Font List

Font List

This script simply creates a list of all Fonts seen by Illustrator





  1. Hi, Awesome script. Have you got around to change the script so we can use custom text also? Is there an easy way to change something in the script file? I know I can open it with a notepad…
    Let me know please! Thanks!

  2. The open multiple PDF script is awesome, but words can’t describe the joy I felt when I found the font list script! Thanks so much for making and sharing this. But what would make it perfect would be to include an option to include our own text, like Joschi said.

  3. Nice Scripts…really! Thanks for sharing!
    Open multiple PDFs is very, very cool and works without errors in CS6!
    For the Font list Script it would be cool to have the option to choose a own text!

    Anyway…thx! 🙂

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