Fit Object to Artboard
In Illustrator there’s a Fit Artboard to Selected Art feature. The next script does exactly the opposite, it fits Selected Object(s) to the Artboard.
In Illustrator there’s a Fit Artboard to Selected Art feature. The next script does exactly the opposite, it fits Selected Object(s) to the Artboard.
Carlos, This code is amazing. How would I edit it so it is set to -10 from the edge of Artboard? Can you hard code the choices made from the alert windows?
Thank you! This is great
Thank, work amazing also in ai CC 2018
Is it useful tool or not ?
Hello I have multiple groups of paths and I would like to fit all of them inside a specified sized artboard but without resizing the items. Is there any script that can do that ? Thank you
Hi Giannis, it should be possible. But that would need a totally different approach.
Please I have a similar problem if any body has a soln pliz help. I want to fit multiple objects to an artboard without distorting the sizes but i want when it can orient each object either horizontally or vertically to minimize the waste space.
Debería ser posible convirtiendo tu composición a un símbolo de 9 sectores, intenté con algo muy simple y funcionó, para algo mas complejo no estoy seguro.
Just what I am looking for… well almost, ha! Any chance of version 1 still available? I am trying to automate as much as possible and don’t need any user input boxes. Just matching a single image to the artboard. Also, any chance of getting this in vbscript (or at least maybe VBA as I know that is what you prefer), so I can add to my vbscript rather than interaction with Illustrator.
YOU are Awsome!
Thank you! Works great.
Could you make resizing to respect aspect ratio as an option ?
very nice script.
is there the possibility to delete the old object and only to keep the duplicated one?
Yes, it’s possible, I will add it to next release
hii!version 2 it work amazing also in ai CC2016 , but i found 2 problems
1) when there are some clipplig area. It keep note of the whole size of the different compoment of the artwork ignoring the clipped area,
2)When it is resized, it didn’t place the artwork in the page
tks Luca
a little update, if instead to use clipping mask i use cropping area it works perfectly!!
Hello, 2016 called and even though typed print is hard to convey gratitude, here I am thanking you for this. I would like to know if I missed the update that allows to keep proportion you may have gotten around to creating. Thanks!
Thanks for saving my day. And agree to keep proportions option.
noted, I’ll include options for it in the next version, stay tuned.
it should be possible, will look into including that option for next version.
Is there a way to modify this script so it keeps the objects proportions in tact and scales to maximum height or width depending on the images proportions?
Hello friend I am looking for the same exact thing . Did you find anything ?