1. Pingback: Script Illustrator: i Migliori 7 per Automatizzare i Lavori

  2. Pingback: 5 script gratuiti di Illustrator che ti cambieranno la vita - Grafigata! Tutorial

  3. This is great! Is there a way to have a similar script that removes hidden layers and sublayers? I’ve found a couple on the web, but they don’t remove all sublayers (nested several layers deep). Would be VERY helpful.

  4. This scripts etc are over complicated…

    Easiest way is to unhide every layer including empty layers.
    Now Ctrl+A as a select all. Than Ctrl+X to cut it out.
    Than in the layers top right corner select “flatten artwork” command so the whole artboard will reduce do one layer – now you have united – deleted all empty layers at once.
    Finally check the check box in the top right layers options dropdown menu saying “Paste remembers layers”

    Ctrl+F and voilaa… All occupied layers including names will appear separated without empty layers.

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