Open multipage PDF

Open Multi-Page PDF

Have you ever needed to edit a PDF in Illustrator? or maybe just open a PDF to copy a couple of elements? If you have, then you know that you have to open the PDF and choose the page you wish to open, close the file and if you need to work on a different page you have no choice but to repeat the process…as many times as needed. It gets annoying very quickly, there must be an easier way, right? Right, by way of a script, it will basically do all the tedious work for us.







Installing and Executing Scripts


In the coming days I’ll start posting most of the scripts I’ve posted over at the Illustrator forum…this is all new to me, so let’s see how comes along.   I’d like to show my gratitude to Paal, who offer to start the page and very patiently waited for me to come up with …